Thursday, March 12, 2015

Dessert Brand Tourney Challenge Results

Below are the results from the Dessert Brand Tournament Challenge. 

3.15.15 @10:50AM MTN

Round 1
Brand Count Percent Pool
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix vs. 29 52% Pool A
Snickers 27 48%
Milky Way vs. 7 13% Pool A
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 48 86%
Jello Pudding vs.  23 41% Pool B
Starbursts 32 57%
Oreos vs.  40 71% Pool B
Chips Ahoy 16 29%

Round 2
Brand Count  Percent
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream (Pool A) 35 63%
Oreos (Pool B) 29 52%
Betty Crocker Brownie  Mix (Pool A) 12 21%
Chips Ahoy (Pool B) 10 18%
Starbursts (Pool B) 8 14%
Jello Pudding (Pool B) 7 13%
Milky Way (Pool A) 5 9%
Snickers (Pool A) 2 4%

Championship (Winners)

Brand Count Percent
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream  26 49%
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix  8 15%
Oreos  7 13%
Starbursts  5 9%
Milky Way  3 6%
Chips Ahoy  2 4%
Jello Pudding  1 2%
Snickers  1 2%
Grand Total 53  VOTES

Earlier Results......

3.14.15 @9:00AM MTN
Brand Count Percent
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Total 25 50%
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix Total 8 16%
Oreos Total 6 12%
Starbursts Total 5 10%
Chips Ahoy Total 2 4%
Milky Way Total 2 4%
Jello Pudding Total 1 2%
Snickers Total 1 2%
Grand Total 50 

3.13.15 @3:00PM MTN

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 2150%
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix 717%
Oreos 512%
Starbursts 37%
Chips Ahoy 25%
Milky Way 25%
Jello Pudding 12%
Snickers 12%
Grand Total42 VOTES

3.13.15 @11:05AM MTN
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 1646%
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix 617%
Oreos 514%
Starbursts 39%
Chips Ahoy 26%
Jello Pudding 13%
Milky Way 13%
Snickers 13%

 35  VOTES

3.13.15 @9:35AM MTN
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 1244%
Oreos 415%
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix 311%
Starbursts 311%
Chips Ahoy 27%
Jello Pudding 14%
Milky Way 14%
Snickers 14%
Grand Total27 VOTES

3.13.15 @7:30AM MTN (Winners)
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 945%
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix 315%
Chips Ahoy 210%
Oreos 210%
Starbursts 210%
Jello Pudding 15%
Snickers 15%
Milky Way 00%
Grand Total20 VOTES

3.13.15 @12:15AM MTN (Winners)
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 646%
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix 323%
Oreos 215%
Chips Ahoy 18%
Jello Pudding 00%
Milky Way 00%
Starbursts 00%
Total13    VOTES

3.12.15 @10:25PM MTN (Winners)
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 556%
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix 222%
Chips Ahoy 111%
Oreos 111%
Jello Pudding 00%
Milky Way 00%
Snickers 00%
Starbursts 00%
TOTAL                                                       9 VOTES

3.12.15 @9:45PM MTN (Winners)
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 350%
Betty Crocker Brownie233%
Chips Ahoy 117%
Jello Pudding 00%
Milky Way 00%
Oreos 00%
Grand Total 6 VOTES


  1. Jello pudding vs. Oreos was a close match!

  2. CPG marketing is not the same as building a brand. One company can be in the CPG market and not necessarily be a brand. Also, a brand does not have to be a company. It can be something like a product or service.
